The Cheap Seats

Status: Running

First Aired : 2021-07-20

Views: 19

The Cheap Seats (2021)

Hosted by Have You Been Paying Attention? regulars Melanie Bracewell (ex-New Zealand) and Tim McDonald (ex-Jobseeker), The Cheap Seats takes a comic look back at the week that was.

Major news stories, not-so-major news stories, stories involving cats, entertainment, sport and viral videos, it's a Reader's Digest of world events for a generation who simply don't want to read.

If it was broadcast, released, published, viewed, shared, clicked on, or simply trending for 30-seconds, then it's likely to be a part of The Cheap Seats.

So get set to experience a new view of the world... from The Cheap Seats.

Networks: Network 10
Web Channels:

TvMaze | IMDb | Official Site

Type: Panel Show
Language: English
Runtime: 60 Minutes

Tv Show Cast & Crew

Cast: Melanie Bracewell, Tim McDonald

Crew: N/A

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